Best kind of coop roof

What kind of coop roof offers the best ventilation option?
Might depend on.....
Where in this world you are located.
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Wow. Amazing. I have new chicks and need to build a new coup for them. They are 5 week old and got moved to the outside about a week ago into a temporary coup I put together in an afternoon using plywood.
for the last few days I've been researching coups and looking at various designs. My original idea was to build one with a slant roof as it the simplest. However, when thinking about ventilation, this is the type of roof that I thought would be best.
My other consideration is predator proofing.
This design is also great for that as it makes it easy to use hardware cloth

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