Best Parasite Treatments and Dosages


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
Central Arkansas
Hi! I've been looking for a few days for information about worming and getting rid of external parasites, and have found a lot of conflicting and outdated information. I thought I'd start a new thread to get some fresh ideas.

In the past three weeks, egg production in my small flock of 6 has dropped, and two hens have gone off-lay completely. One of those two seems a little puny, not as much energy as she normally has, but not obviously ill. I haven't seen any lice, mites, or worms, but a few of my gals are missing a few feathers near their necks, which leads me to believe they might have lice and/or mites, and the puniness might come from that or from a few worms. I have seen no evidence of gapeworm and no worms in their excrement. I live in Arkansas, and it's been really warm and rainy lately, so these issues came up pretty suddenly. My coop is on bare ground with straw and sand so they can eat any bugs or worms that come through the ground. I dusted the coop with Sevin twice in the past month and I gave the hens Wazine (piperazine) in their water yesterday.

So here's what I'd like to know:

1) What is the best treatment for external parasites that takes care of both lice and mites?
2) What is the dosage?
3) What is the withdrawal period?
4) Does this need to be repeated, and when?

1) What is the best treatment for internal parasites that takes care of all kinds of worms they might have?
2) What is the dosage?
3) What is the withdrawal period?
4) Does this need to be repeated, and when?

Thank you for your answers!

This does not begin to answer all your questions ~however, I do know you can use A DROP of LIQUID ivermectin for mites, lice. This goes on the back just were neck meets body. You can use Safeguard paste horse wormer for intestional parasites. DO NOT USE THESE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME . I would wait 10 days between treatments. Check to see if you have mites or lice before treating for something they don't have. You can safely dust the "fur" out of them with wood ashes. Make a wood ash bath available in a shallow box. If you use ivermectin skip the Wazine. Roost runned down with mineral oil or AVON SKIN SO SOFT (ˆvˆ) will kill the mites. I would start with the wormer, check for mites, if any chickens die, do a nucropsy, check BYC sites ~a ton of good info., also there is always good ol Google. thought ? ? ? are the hens molting ??.
p.s. The amount of Safeguard paste wormer is about the size of a green pea. Dawg (BYC member, lost of good info.) says pull bottom waddles, open beak, put in Safeguard. I have since found the little syringes for diabetics work well.
There are a myriad of products that will effectively treat lice or mites. Personally I use sevin dust. It has a 7 day withdrawal period. We have used it for years in vegetable gardens and I have eaten eggs after treating birds and I'm still here typing.
As far as wormers go; hands down valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer is the best wormer on the market. It kills all known types of worms that chickens can get, including flukes. It has a 14 day withdrawal period after the last dosing. Alot of folks eat eggs after worming but caution that there may be a reaction to wormer residue in the eggs if they are sensitive to that particular product. The same is true for organics.
I also use safeguard liquid goat wormer. It's a very good wormer but wont kill tapeworms. I have plenty experience dealing with tapeworms.
I forgot to add that different types of worms usually require different administering methods rather than the standard dosing, then redosing 10 days later which is the norm for most worms.
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Thanks for the info. re; wormers and mites. How much valzben do you use on an "average" size bird. Do you place it at the base of the neck just before the back starts. ?
Thank you all for your helpful advice!

I've heard a little about Ivomec Eprinex Pour-On, which claims to kill all worms and mites and some sucking lice. Since that doesn't cover feather lice, I'd still have to use another treatment like Sevin to get those, assuming they have them. Has anyone used Eprinex? What did you think?
Ivomec products including the pour ons, injectables, drenches, including eprinex are ineffective wormers in poultry due to their overuse as miteacides in poultry. Poultry worms have built resistance to these products. Read the Summary in this link:

You cant treat inside their houses with ivomec products neither where some types of external parasites hide during the day.
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Ivomec products including the pour ons, injectables, drenches, including eprinex are ineffective wormers in poultry due to their overuse as miteacides in poultry. Poultry worms have built resistance to these products. Read the Summary in this link:

You cant treat inside their houses with ivomec products neither where some types of external parasites hide during the day.

Here in Romania is very good for mites, this bloodsuckers die after they feeding with chickens blood (course after chickens were injected with ivomec)

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