Best Quail Cages

You may wind up wanting to get some of these drinker cups and mounting them on the outside of the back wall instead of on the inside:

I found with red cups on the inside of the cage, my droppings pans were frequently full of water. I moved the red cups to the outside and it reduced the problem. I'm not quite sure how the birds were causing the red cups to overflow, but even on the outside of the cage there was a little bit of a problem with puddles on the floor. Then I saw the longer yellow cups and decided I liked the gravity feed nature of them instead of the design of the red cups. Once I got the yellow ones mounted on the outside, I no longer had issues with the drinkers overflowing and I don't have puddles of water on the floor either.

They also have a trough style that would hold a lot more water, but it's more expensive and I'd be worried about evaporation.

I also second the suggestion to add a light covering of wood shavings to the droppings pans. I use the coarse pine shavings from TSC or other feed stores. Even with the shavings, the pans are stained, but not too bad.

Finally, I suggest having a fan blowing in the general direction of the cages. It helps dry out the droppings and makes it harder for flies to breed.
How many quail can comfortably fit in a community cage? Currently I have 9 in each community cage while I figure out who the roosters are.


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How many quail can comfortably fit in a community cage? Currently I have 9 in each community cage while I figure out who the roosters are.
You're going to get different answers depending on who they come from. Those cages are 2 x 3, so you have 6 square feet. Wynola Ranch says that your setup can handle up to 150 birds in comfort and humanely, but that's 30 birds per tier or 5 birds/sq ft. They even say that some operations might go as high as 200 birds in your 5 tiers or almost 7 birds/sq ft. There's no way I would recommend that dense of a population.

I have two of my three tiers divided and keep 1 male with 5 hens in each 3 square foot area. They seem to get along OK, but there are people on this forum that would say even that's too many birds for the space.

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