Best supplier/hatchery for meat birds?

I really want to order some birds from central hatchery but I don't have room for 50 right now and that is their minimum order. I want to try their meat broilers and their rhode island reds as well as they are supposed to still be a large bird, I am not impressed with the size of my layers from Mcmurray or the egg size. I'm gonna have to talk some of my friends into becoming chicken farmers so we can spilt an order
I always split the order with people. Depending on how many you want to raise, you could get them and try to sell some on craigslist, too. There's always the option of processing some of them around 3 weeks as cornish hens....
I have ordered meat birds from Meyer hatchery in Polk OH for 16 years now and have never had a problem with the birds. Although, I just placed my first order from Welp hatchery for 30 male Cornish rocks for the week of April 7th because Meyer cannot get my meat birds before May 7th. That's too late for me. I went with Welp because they were the next best price at $2.05 ea and free shipping. I sure hope I made a good choice. :fl

I received my birds from Welp Hatchery. All arrived happy, healthy and growing well. I am very pleased with their birds. :clap

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