biack gold ameraucana


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Sparland IL
My first post.I was wondering if someone could show a pic of a black gold roo or a description.I have 2 pullets and need to pick a roo for
them.They are produced by adding the wheaten gene to brown red.In the past I culled any I produced but decieded why not raise some.These were produced last fall out of a buff project that had a couple of brown red pullets in there.I did not think they were ready to lay and I had to keep them somewhere.Well anyway I got a few chicks .I produced some buff roos with black in the tails and a couple roos of uncertain parentage that may or may not be a match.I noticed a picture of red quill old english hen that looks close & the description says the roos are black tailed red.This was in the book of old english game bantams by Jeffry & Richhardson anyone care to help?
Can you post or email me a picture of your birds? I have a black gold ameraucana bantam roo! He is black with gold hackle feathers. Fiesty little man!!

I also raise Old English and have or have had 24 of the different varieties. I have Red Quill OEG. A Red Quill hen strongly resembles the Gold Campine pattern. The Red Quill rooster is similiar to a Blk Tailed Red but he will be dark red, black tail with the checkered chest to match the hens. Beautiful birds and fast becoming my favorite. The Black Tailed Red rooster is a solid dark red with a black tail and his hens will be anywhere from buff to red with a black tail. I am currently working on Blue Laced OEG but I think I've hit a road block because my only little roo has a hurt leg and I don't know if he's gonna be sound enough to breed.
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thanks for your reply.I tried to post photos but the computer would not let me.Iam not very good at it but even my wife could not get it to work.Your description helped me settle my rooster selection.I will use the brown red and then the buff and breed the two together next year.I did not produce a black gold rooster.The blacktailed buffs came out of my effort to produce darker legs on the buff.Disturbing buff allowed the black to show.I should be able to breed it away.The other roo was most likely a EE carrying he looks between buff columbian and bb red.
My first post.I was wondering if someone could show a pic of a black gold roo or a description.I have 2 pullets and need to pick a roo for
them.They are produced by adding the wheaten gene to brown red.In the past I culled any I produced but decieded why not raise some.These were produced last fall out of a buff project that had a couple of brown red pullets in there.I did not think they were ready to lay and I had to keep them somewhere.Well anyway I got a few chicks .I produced some buff roos with black in the tails and a couple roos of uncertain parentage that may or may not be a match.I noticed a picture of red quill old english hen that looks close & the description says the roos are black tailed red.This was in the book of old english game bantams by Jeffry & Richhardson anyone care to help?
Hey, jerryse.
Did you ever get anything going from this project?

Would love to see some pictures if you've got any.

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