Bielfelder vs barnevelder vs golden cuckoo marans


14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
We're looking at ordering chicks from Meyer this spring but we are only allowed 6 hens, so we're struggling to narrow down which breeds we want.

Right now these are my top picks for brown egg layers. Roosters aren't allowed, so an autosexing breed is very appealing. Pretty much no chance of an accidental roo. And the barring is pretty.

Barnevelders are more slow to mature than some of the other breeds we're looking at, but the hatchery description says they're good winter layers.

The dark brown marans eggs are appealing, and I like the idea of feathered legs (all the birds we've had in the past have been clean legged). But the hatchery description makes it sound like they might be more seasonal layers and not as good in the winter.
Are you planning to free-range? Or keep penned? That could play a role in which breed suits best as well.

@Tonyroo @chickens105 Curious what your thoughts are. We're also considering Bielefelders for a lot of the same reasons, and unfortunately haven't been able to find much on how they do in confinement. I know they're huge, but how active are they?
Are you planning to free-range? Or keep penned? That could play a role in which breed suits best as well.

@Tonyroo @chickens105 Curious what your thoughts are. We're also considering Bielefelders for a lot of the same reasons, and unfortunately haven't been able to find much on how they do in confinement. I know they're huge, but how active are they?
The city ordinance requires the run be enclosed on all sides including the top and only allows for "exercise" with supervision in a fenced backyard
Go with Bielefelder, there human friendly and good layers.
Mine are friendly, and just starting to lay.
We're also considering Bielefelders for a lot of the same reasons, and unfortunately haven't been able to find much on how they do in confinement. I know they're huge, but how active are they?
My chickens are confined, and the Bielefelders are doing fine.
Are you planning to free-range? Or keep penned? That could play a role in which breed suits best as well.

@Tonyroo @chickens105 Curious what your thoughts are. We're also considering Bielefelders for a lot of the same reasons, and unfortunately haven't been able to find much on how they do in confinement. I know they're huge, but how active are they?
They are pretty active but do fine in a coop with an attached run.
Are you planning to free-range? Or keep penned? That could play a role in which breed suits best as well.

@Tonyroo @chickens105 Curious what your thoughts are. We're also considering Bielefelders for a lot of the same reasons, and unfortunately haven't been able to find much on how they do in confinement. I know they're huge, but how active are they?
They do fine in confinement just as long as they're not over crowded. There not too active as they get older, normal for most birds. Pretty easy going birds and friendly.

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