Big Chicken Pecked Little Chickens Eye


11 Years
Oct 11, 2012
So.... I have a meany on my hands. I'm trying to incorporate my 4 7 week old chicks with my 9 12 week chicks. One of the bigger ones when I wasnt looking took a good peck to my little Orpingtons eye on Tuesday. I immediately saw blood around the eye. It doesnt look like it hit the pupil but the white of the eye was all red. A tiny amount of blood was coming off the eye. Wednesday she refused to open it much and it was extremely swollen, she doesnt seem to want to eat but I made sure she is drinking on her own and tried to get her to eat some yogurt. This morning she was huddled in the corner of her little box sleeping (I keep the 4 seperate when not supervised and come inside our back porch at night and sleep in a homemade brooder box). I took them outside this morning and she wouldnt get out of the box. I need some emergency help. I dont want to lose her. She will be the 1st out of 20 and I cant stand it. She is sooooo sweet.
Ok, here is an update to anyone who is interested. Baby Gypsy developed a cataract in her eye due to the trauma and swelling . She is now blind in that eye but she is not being picked on and is getting around quite well. If anything, she is even more loving and trusting of me. Follows me around everywhere. Thanks to those who showed their support! Really appreciate it.

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