BIG end or small end up when storing eggs ???


The Bantam Barn
14 Years
Mar 18, 2008
My Coop
My Coop
I just read an article the other day, July 2012 edition of Exhibition Poultry Magazine, page 6. It was stating that eggs stored with the SMALL END UP produce a better hatch than eggs stored with LARGE END UP. I have always stored mine in auto turners with the SMALL END DOWN. I was just wondering if anyone has tried or uses this method of storing eggs with the SMALL END UP ? and what were the results ? What is your opinion ?
I do not incubate eggs but I always have put them in the carton to sell small end up. My great aunt gives me s%!# because she says, "Well Grammie (my great grandmother who operated a giant egg business "Cackleberries; Stay on the Sunny Side of Life" and had 30 or 300 of her own hens) said you always put them big end up."
I put them small end up because that's the way they are at the store. If you say that you have always done it small end down and small end down works, then there can't be anything wrong with that.

Either way eggs hatched by hens are on their side and seem to work just fine, so maybe that is the way to go.

If I ever do incubate eggs again then I would do half small end up and half small end down and see what happens.
I haven't actually started incubating eggs, yet..., but I have done a bunch of reading on the subject. Below the hyperlink to an article that covered all aspects of incubating, as well as an excerpt discussing storing the eggs until incubation.

3. Store eggs in a cool-humid storage area. Ideal storage conditions include a 55 degree F. temperature and 75% relative humidity. Store the eggs with the small end pointed downward.
4. Alter egg position periodically if not incubating within 4-6 days. Turn the eggs to a new position once daily until placing in the incubator.
Oh, well in that case I would try doing half of them on way and half the other. I think that most of them would hatch either way. I don't think there really is a right or wrong way. I'm sure that half of your reasources say do it one way and half the other. It just seems to be that people do it the way they've always done it and no other way.

Keep me updated!
I just read an article the other day, July 2012 edition of Exhibition Poultry Magazine, page 6. It was stating that eggs stored with the SMALL END UP produce a better hatch than eggs stored with LARGE END UP. I have always stored mine in auto turners with the SMALL END DOWN. I was just wondering if anyone has tried or uses this method of storing eggs with the SMALL END UP ? and what were the results ? What is your opinion ?

Duh, just reread your post and realized you were looking for experience/results from folks that have used the small end up method vs recommendations. I'd also be interested to see if anyone has done a test of the two methods, or if there are any "small end up" people as I am hoping to incubate my first eggs this year...

Was the article recommending just storing them small end up or also incubating them small end up?

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