Bigger nesting box for hen and chicks?


Feb 23, 2023
Chicks started hatching today. So far 6 out of 9 have hatched. Right now they are in a sideways milk crate. The hen takes up majority of the crate. Will I need to provide them a bigger box at some point? Already seems crammed and the obviously the chicks will get bigger. I know they’ll stay really huddled to the hen for warmth. I probably haven’t thought this through enough 😄
She will leave the nesting box, so it doesn't matter. Generally 2 days after the last hatches. If it's already on the ground she may stay close to it if food and water is close.
She may continue to lay in the area for a week or so as chicks get stronger, and become more adventurous. Some just leave. I personally slip a ring of fencing around mine to keep them safe and together for a week or two. Very young chicks can be vulnerable to other hens in the flock.
The first couple of days mine seem to spend a lot of time under the hen. They may need the warmth plus they don't need to eat or drink much because they absorbed the yolk before they hatched. They can live off of that yolk for a while. But soon they start roaming with the hen looking for food and water and just playing.

The hen might take them back to that nest at night or she may take them somewhere else. She'll know what to do. Your job is to make sure they are somewhere predator safe at night.

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