BIN Paint bearded SQ sikie eggs 6


ChowDown Silkie Farm
10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Hornbeak, Tennessee
Buy it now 6 Paint Bearded SQ Silkie eggs. The roo recently won in 2 shows, first place in both shows for BV. He is from Bobbi Porto stock. There are 2 paint hens which one came form Bobbi Porto and the other came from reesepoultry. There are 4 black hens. The oldest one was hatched from CJsilkies eggs and the other 3 are her daughters. I put one of the hens in a show last year and she got 2nd place in BV. I put 1 egg from each pen under a broody and they all hatched. the paint chick has dark spots already. here are a few pics of the birds in the paint pen.

I'm asking $15 for the eggs and $13 for s&h. I take paypal only and that addy is [email protected]

I ship priority with a DC#. I bubble wrap each egg they will be packed snug with shredded paper or plastic grocery bags so they don't move in the box. I make sure they are sitting upright in the egg flat. box. I store eggs no longer than 4 days for shipping which the 4th day is shipping day. I keep them in egg flats sitting upright in a cool room that stays between 68 and 72 degrees. I also collect eggs 3 times a day so they don't sit outside in the heat or under a hen that may be broody..
I can not be responsible for circunsances out of my control. Once they leave my hands I can't control what shipping may do or an individuals incubation methods.

If you have any questions please Pm me. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you for looking and have a Blessed day
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