Bird sticks


5 Years
Jul 2, 2014
Hello, my babies are a week and a half and I would like to know if I could put a regular bird stick in for them to play with. The kind that has bird seed on it..think its for parakeets. Another question ...sorry two in one...when can you tell if a roo is growing a (hackle)...I think thats what the feathers are around the neck. The one I am wondering about is a SLW. I also have golden comet, buff orpington and RIR...thank you
I, personally, do not give my baby chicks anything other than their regular chick starter while they are developing.
They need so much nutrition to grow and filling them up with other stuff will take away from that.
IF you decide to give them anything other than the starter, then you'll have to also provide them with chick grit so they can digest it.
A better 'treat' would be boiled egg yolks or mealy worms.
But they probably won't eat it right away since they are so young and have not been trained by their mom as to what to eat.

You can usually tell the sex once they get old enough to grow their combs on top of their heads.
The roos will have a faster developing comb.
Also, sometimes, the roos will have a more developed feathering.
Of course, once they crow, you'll know for sure! LOL
Thank you. I hung a leaf of lettuce so they would have something to play's hard ...but guess I'll just back up and wait....
And chickens don't necessarily "play" with things like parrots or other birds.
BUT chickens LOVE to dust bathe.
If you provide your baby chicks with a small area of very fine sand, they will love you for it.
They will scratch around in it and try to eat some and practice their dust bathing.
THAT will make them happy! LOL
Thank you very much...I was thinking they were too young for dust bathing...great! Will it serve also as grit?

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