Bird's Nest Question - Was fine, now abandoned....! PIC


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
We were enjoying the house finches that built their nest on our front door wreath. I posted notes on our door to beware of the nest and use door GENTLY for people coming & going... Everything was fine until two days ago..... this is the nest with their eggs:


Now it's empty!!!! I know there was too much activity with everyone lately and they must have been scared off! Where they go is none of my business, but where did the eggs go? Do they take them? Do predator birds take them when they know it's been abandoned?

Anyone know? I googled my question, but of answer to MY inquiry. just NORMAL stuff
Hmm...parents will abandon the nest if there is too much activity around them to feel safe. Perhaps a snake got in and got the eggs.

As an aside, one year we had wrens nest in a hanging plant right next to the door. One day, thinking the nest had been abandoned, I asked my son to stick his head in there and see what was going on. The poor kid-the mom was on the nest, and flew up in ds' face!! Momma went on to raise several babies in her nest, and they fledged one day when we were gone. Sorry your nest was abandoned.
I'm guessing a predator got them either before they were abandoned or after. Do you have crows in the area? They're usually the #1 culprit and bold, too.
Awwww... I was about to post the exact same question.
Do you really think something ate the eggs? We had a lovely dove in a nest out by the coop and then the other day she was just gone. We have crows right in that area, too

I couldn't get up high enough to fully see into the nest.. even on a chair.. with branches banging me on the head.. so I can't tell if there are eggs that are just deeply set in the nest... but momma hasn't been back in 2 days


She was so beautiful. Turquoise near her eyes. Feathers so smooth they looked like skin. Lovely spots on her back.
Awww, Squishy, I can imagine she would've been beautiful!

And those eggs are lovely, Lunachick. They're reminding me of a time we had some blackbird eggs in one of our garden pots - now, blackbirds aren't notorious for sticking with their nests, one day we found the blackbird had abandoned the eggs and they were soon taken by one of the neighbourhood cats.
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I have a house finch pair that always nests in one of my flower baskets on the covered porch.

This year? There are 5 of their eggs AND what looks like a carolina wren egg. What the heck?!?! Thinking I should toss that egg? It's been in the nest for days. Not sure which bird is actually sitting on the nest, but i assume House finch just because of where it hides when I go out (same place they always hide).
Nella - That extra egg in your finch nest might be a cowbird. I was just reading up on it and the cowbirds lay their eggs in other bird's nests. It's a parasitic nature - they leave their eggs so other birds can feed the babies when they hatch.

I don't think we have snakes out yet, and I haven't seen crows that close to my house. Blue Jays, I have........I'd bet they did it but I'm not sure. Even if the finches could move the eggs to a new location, how would they do that???? I can't imagine them carrying eggs in their beaks or feet.....
Once that cowbird chick has hatched - it hatches faster than the other eggs. It grows faster and stronger quicker, and will toss the other chicks out of the nest until it is the lone chick.
Very smart but cruel birds.

I am also guessing snake or another bird ate the eggs.

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