BJ roo-Good thoughts grt'lyapprec-NO!RIP my beautiful boy ELLIE UPDATE

Judy, I have nothing to add except well wishes for your dear BJ. He's very well cared for and between the vet and Doc Brown, he has the best minds working toward his recovery. He's getting on up in years and as you know, even with us, the systems just don't function as they used to as age creeps up on us. Crossing fingers for your boy!

Hi, Brenda! Good to see you here again.
Does he like apple sauce or something else sweet like that? I'd even try mixing like the pudding baby foods in with it. I've handfed chickens, bearded dragons, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, and even a frog to keep them going.

That's so true. As we get older it takes longer to recuperate...I speak from experience, unfortunately.

I've missed being in the flock actually Cyn and Judy. RL has taken it's toll...but that's for another thread.

More hugs and prayers for BJ! I've even got my NA group saying prayers for him.
Cyn, Brenda, thank you so very much.

I sure understand about the age thing - wow - everything is harder these days!...

Avian vet left me a message yesterday on the house line - unfortunately just a partial message because my machine rudely cut him off. As soon as I scopped up my messages remotely from work I called his office around lunchtime but didn't reach him.

He said he had gotten ~ 2/3rds of BJ's blood work back (ladies, you will understand my angst - when the vet was trying to get blood from BJ's leg he kept going in with the needle and nothing came out - ouch and ouch - they had BJ lying on his side. BJ's comb went purple and I said to get him up, that he's struggling, so they did. So then he got the blood from his neck while he was standing. My heart in throat the entire time. BJ never once stopped looking right in my eyes - I just kept telling him how good he is and that it will be okay). Vet's message: CBC was okay - RBC, WBC (JJ note: so much for a simple infection being the cause). Sugar, Calcium, liver enzymes, cholesterol okay.

What was BAD was his protein. It was low at 3.4 (he said 4.2-5 is normal) - he said this can be caused by organ disorder or any number of other things. Not sure what to do about this except to try to bolster him every which way possible.

He is waiting for electrophoresis results to see whether it shows inflammation or infection.

Right before the machine cut him off he said again to worm and that either wormer is fine (Wazine or fenben {Panacur]). I am thinking I might do the Wazine today instead of being frozen in indecision - it should at least be easier on his system because it only tackles roundworms. Since it goes in the water this means Ellie gets medicated too. Not sure withdrawal time for eggs - label says do not give to a being whose eggs will be for consumption
. I gave the eggs to my folks so would stop for some time - not sure how much time - but the important thing is not the eggs, it's BJ and Ellie's health.

A thoughtful person who had chickens for a long time is strongly urging tube feeding so BJ can hopefully gain some strength and weight back if he is able to. In all these years of chicken care I have never tube fed anybody and am very very skittish about it, not wanting to hurt BJ. Something about me to know is that I am a clutz. She has offered to come from quite a distance tonight to show me. BJ will freak. I dread it and am not sure it will happen more than the one time she does it! She said to pick up a coffee grinder so that his food could be made into a fine powder so as not to clog up the equipment - I bought the grinder yesterday.

Brenda, I raced back from work last night soon as I could spring free - BJ and Ellie were in bed pretty sleepy (work hours, darkness descending early this time of year and BJ being sick do not mix well
) but I mixed just a small amount of the baby parrot formula into apple sauce to see if I could get BJ to take it (he loves apples) - he took 2 little nibbles and stopped. That boy does not like when his beak gets messy so he then set about trying to clean it off on the pine shavings. Does the same thing when I offer him warm butternut squash in cold weather... Anything of that consistency....

Well, I'm going to see how he looks today
Oh god no, he's gone.

Down by the food/water bowl, Ellie next to him, and laying on side side, feet straight out, and gone.

I can't believe it

I'm so sorry Judy
You were wonderful with him, the way you take care of your birds, and he was a beautiful bird - I really, really feel for you.
dawg/Jim, Gold/Leslie, c-a-g, Ginny, Cyn....
Thank you ever so much for your kind words.
Poor BJ
I wish he was in my arms for those last moments.
Poor Ellie
Heaven knows what that poor dear went through watching her BJ die. I found her standing over him, not wanting to leave his side. She's been crying and wimpering the most utterly heart wrenching sounds. Looks utterly lost and is utterly sad. Killed me to have to go to work. She is all alone and kept looking into my eyes, looking, looking.....
Normally I would have checked on them earlier than 7:40 a.m. but was writing the above update. I just pray it was quick for BJ. The water bowl was turned upside down (so sadly, probably dramatic) and his face lay in the feed bowl, it also turned on its side.
Can't stop the tears. Hiding in my office.
Ex-DH will meet me at the house later to bury my sweet boy.
Poor Ellie cannot be alone like this. She needs a great home. A very kind-hearted person has reached out to me and we'll see what might work. It will be so hard on her no matter what... they loved each other so......


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