Black Ameraucana Rooster (Farm Quality) In PA


7 Years
Feb 28, 2017
Schuylkill County , Pennsylvania
Hello everyone!

I have a (soon to be) 6 month old Black Ameraucana Cockerel for sale. I'm listing him as "Farm Quality" because he isn't eligible for me to show. Even though he does come from true blue egg Ameraucana genes. (In other words he doesn't fit the Standard of Perfection so he's not useful to me when I already have 2 roosters that do fit the Standard and he's not a hatchery bird).

His name is Clark, and I have a couple pictures here for you: (So sorry that some are a bit blurry, he didn't want to stay still when I took these).

01F5245A-CD5A-410A-A7A1-81563E238F4D.png 1AE3335E-78B7-4562-BF9E-33ACDE0B30B9.png 2F2FB1A4-16BA-4010-9970-937F96A11803.png B073978F-6159-4380-B0C7-C6ECB68FD548.png

(Thumbnails to save space). He's very sweet and would probably work best for someone working on an Easter Egger project or just to have as a Farm Rooster. He is leg banded and recently was tested for AI and Pullorum Both of which came back Negative.

I'm asking $10 for him, and I'm located in Berks County, Pennsylvania please respond to this post or pm me if you are interested!

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