Black Cooper Marans X Welsummer


In the Brooder
Jul 28, 2018
I’m considering purchasing four Black Copper Marans X Welsummer and was wondering if anyone had any helpful info.

They’re currently between 7-10 days old and I’m concerned about sexing them - I read somewhere that the Roos have white spots on their heads but I can’t find a confirmation of that. I can’t have roosters in my county and I *hate* culling birds.

I was also wondering if anyone had any pics of what I might expect them to look like as well as any flock temperament comments. I currently have 6 Comets, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 cream Legbar & 1 BC Marans.


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They will be black patterned with red neck birchen according to this calculator...

In other words... to me they will look like barn yard mixes.

There is NO accurate way to know sex at 7-10 days. Sometimes my daughter and I can pick out boys very early on according to behavior alone. But not all boys reveal themselves this early. Most may be able to be identified by 4-6 weeks in that cross.

How much are they being sold for?

They would be good table birds to someone who doesn't have issues with culling. But if you don't want to deal with it I would NOT get them. No I don't see ANY reason why this cross would put out sex linked males with a white spot on their head. That is only in crosses which include barred or cuckoo hens crossed to a solid colored male.

I love Marans and their flock temperament, even breed them. Welsummer just weren't my favorite.

Here are a couple comparison charts... noting that I have raised MANY breeds and they are rarely as good in person as they are on paper...

I hope you are settling in and enjoying BYC! :frow
:goodpost:I also raise BCM and love them. I have had one Welsummer in my collection but lost her to a bear, I liked her. No way to sex them now but BCM cocks tend to show pretty early, I can usually tell by about 3-4 weeks. Combs and wattles become pink and pretty evident.
You guys are awesome! ❤️ I really appreciate the help. Thank you for not being condescending in the face of my newbie questions. I’m really enjoying my backyard flock and just want to make sure I do right by them.

The person is selling them for $10 (for all four) which is the only reason I was considering it. I really enjoy friendly breeds so I might just hold off till something purebred/high quality comes along.
Thank you for not being condescending in the face of my newbie questions.
I truly hope that you never, ever run into anyone being condescending to you here, especially when you are asking questions, and for an opinion. Welcome to this rather odd endeavor of hatching and raising chickens. We are all a little nutty, each in our own nutty sort of way, so, enjoy the ride along. We are happy to have you!:highfive:
Oh, and as to the friendliness, ask the seller what the parents and the rest of the flock are like. Can you go and see them? If so, you may decide that you want to give them a go!
The person is selling them for $10 (for all four) which is the only reason I was considering it
That isn't very cheap when you can buy pure breed sexed pullets (in Welsummer at least, Marans will be just a bit more unless cuckoo which are VERY common) at the feed store for between $3-4 each AND not have to worry about bringing any unknown disease into your flock.

I will make my number one suggestion be... DON'T buy birds from NON NPIP places... especially if they were broody hatched or have ever been to pasture. It's the quickest way to bring something home to your flock that could wipe them out completely or make them carriers of something for life that diminishes their overall health and immunity. :old

If there only 4 of those chicks... you can *usually* count on 2 of them being cockerels.

Sounds like passing might be the right choice for you. :thumbsup

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