Black Copper Marans - cockerel or Pullet?

As @ronott1 said, there are two kinds of BCMs. The French type with feathered shanks and a clean legged version which is the standard here in the UK, so if they are feather legged then it is correct to call them French Black Copper Marans. You can also get the clean legged variety in the USA and they are just Black Copper Marans.

As regards the sex of this chick, it is still too early to say for sure but nothing to indicate it is a cockerel at this stage.

BCM and FBCM is used incorrectly so much that it is a good idea to make sure you are getting the type you want. Ask, do they have feathered shanks?

Good breeders will know the correct usage but others not so much
Looks like a pullet to me. By this age, my Marans cockerels have much bigger and redder combs.

Also, you don't have to refer to Marans as "French" since your birds were likely bred and raised in the United States. It is correct to call them simply Black Copper Marans. They are a French breed by origin, but unless they came directly from France you don't have to throw the "French" in there. :)
I am so sad right now reading this. I have two Black cooper marans and one of them is leading toward the cockrel side. Then when you said they get combs early. Sealed the deal. One has a much bigger comb, much smaller tail , bigger feet. :( I am in denial!!!!
I am so sad right now reading this. I have two Black cooper marans and one of them is leading toward the cockrel side. Then when you said they get combs early. Sealed the deal. One has a much bigger comb, much smaller tail , bigger feet. :( I am in denial!!!!
I hope you can rehome him!

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