BCM x EE =Olive Eggers (OE)I hatched 24 out of 25 eggs on April 1st. Some are easter eggers. She had easter eggers and BCM in the same coop with her BCM roo. I have about 14 of the 25 that definitely look like BCM.....some I can tell are mixed eggers and BCM and some don't look anything at all like BCM...except maybe the feathered feet.
If the EE hens had one copy of blue egg gene, the OE will usually lay a brown egg. If the hen carries 2 copies it should lay Olives.
Yes they are hard to tell apart so young. I keep my hatches separate now. Olive Eggers can have feathered feet also so that makes it that much harder.
My OEs I hatched last year had a brown spot on their heads and started growing out mossy brown hatch down. This isn't an exact who is it? But might help you. Only other suggestion is to start a thread and the experts can help with ID. If you leg band them and number your pics that helps too.
Look for different combs also, altho OEs can have single combs also...