Black crested White Polish

I know my girls always laid eggs like the right one, even ar a year. Made it possible to tell theirs from my buff laced hen
Wendy(confirmed laying pullet) 9/10 times will lay eggs like the left. I have one other egg that looks like the right one, but all of the others from Wendy I've collected or incubated have been fairly elongated. It messes me up on which end has the air cell, admittedly. Time will tell whether she's just changed up her egg shape or I've got another layer.
Yep, Sonic is laying now. Got an egg from her in her separated pen today, right on time for the every-other-day schedule they seem to go by.

My first 5 eggs should also be hatching in 3 days.
Yep, Sonic is laying now. Got an egg from her in her separated pen today, right on time for the every-other-day schedule they seem to go by.View attachment 3663904

My first 5 eggs should also be hatching in 3 days.
Good news she is laying! BTW, Yesterday, on a different thread, ckidder posted in response to chickerella 2022 post about BCW. ckidder is the person who imported BCW in the 90s. I replied to that post. Apparently neither of them has notifications turned on. Is there a direct way to contact someone in BYC?
Good news she is laying! BTW, Yesterday, on a different thread, ckidder posted in response to chickerella 2022 post about BCW. ckidder is the person who imported BCW in the 90s. I replied to that post. Apparently neither of them has notifications turned on. Is there a direct way to contact someone in BYC?
I’m not sure if there’s a way. Maybe using the “start conversation” button under someone’s Profile. Or tagging them, but i don’t know if that’d work if they have notifications off.
An update on the hatch:
3/5 eggs successfully hatched yesterday and survived the night. I opened the other 2 yesterday and both chicks were dead, although I didn’t see anything exactly wrong with them.

Of the 3 that hatched, I have one dark chick(1st to hatch), one nearly white chick(2nd to hatch), and one medium-colored silver-ish chick(3rd to hatch). Ignore the black chicks, they’re from something else.

The two dead-in-egg chicks seemed to have light colored down.

As for vaults, another other observable trait at this age, 1 and 2 have minimal(sort of just bumps) vaults. 3 has a larger vault. The two dead chicks seemed to have taller vaults as well.
An update on the hatch:
3/5 eggs successfully hatched yesterday and survived the night. I opened the other 2 yesterday and both chicks were dead, although I didn’t see anything exactly wrong with them.

Of the 3 that hatched, I have one dark chick(1st to hatch), one nearly white chick(2nd to hatch), and one medium-colored silver-ish chick(3rd to hatch). Ignore the black chicks, they’re from something else.View attachment 3667902View attachment 3667903
The two dead-in-egg chicks seemed to have light colored down.

As for vaults, another other observable trait at this age, 1 and 2 have minimal(sort of just bumps) vaults. 3 has a larger vault. The two dead chicks seemed to have taller vaults as well.
Is there a way to not have vaults on polish and still have pompom crests?
Is there a way to not have vaults on polish and still have pompom crests?
:idunnoI think it'd be possible if you had a team of people dedicated to it. People do it on Silkies, that's for sure. Good breeders will keep non-vaulted birds who still have full, round crests. All the vaults really do in Silkies is add a bump at the top of their heads and make them more prone to death. Cavernous nostrils are linked to the V-comb, so the only missing trait would be the vault. The US standard calls for Polish to have a vault when going over shape though. All in all, I think it'd just take some time to remove vaults from the breed, and a group of people.
:idunnoI think it'd be possible if you had a team of people dedicated to it. People do it on Silkies, that's for sure. Good breeders will keep non-vaulted birds who still have full, round crests. All the vaults really do in Silkies is add a bump at the top of their heads and make them more prone to death. Cavernous nostrils are linked to the V-comb, so the only missing trait would be the vault. The US standard calls for Polish to have a vault when going over shape though. All in all, I think it'd just take some time to remove vaults from the breed, and a group of people.
The vault issue was another reason I went with Spitzhauben over polish.

I'm really getting to the point of going by my own rules and forming my own SOP. I'll breed to that and it won't allow for things that inhibit the health and well-being of the chicken.

Kinda tired of the SOP breeders stating you'll get the healthiest chickens by going by the book. Then they add things to the book that is not healthy for the chicken.

I can understand the crests. Those are easly cared for but the vaults that are a serious detriment to the breed I do not understand. 😑

I may have polish eventually and breed away from the vaults.
I love crests on chickens but not to the detriment of the bird.

Sorry been keeping theses things in for a while. Every time I think I want to show and I do my research, I come up not wanting to. Happens with dogs, horses, cats, and now chickens.

Lol, I end up pulling at my hair and stepping away.

Anyway sorry again. I get badgered by the "SOP is the only way" crowded and it bubbles up unexpectedly 🙃.

Love this project so much. I hope I can put everything I have into my own as well.

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