Black gunk around beak and on comb?


Dec 30, 2018
This is my neighbor's chicken. I sometimes see them outside and say hi. (They're like 10, and adorable!) They were showing me their chicken today and I noticed a ton of black gunk. It's almost a waxy substance around the nostrils. It's also on his comb a bit as well.

I told them I'd ask what it is. Any ideas? It came off fairly easily with the edge of my nail. Mr. Chicken didn't seem in any pain for it.

It looks like he may have just gotten into a messy snack. Normally with any sort of respiratory illness, in my experience, they have runny discharge and their eyes are usually puffy. He looks healthy, leading me to believe he's just a little dirty.
Cute roo! :)
It looks like he may have just gotten into a messy snack. Normally with any sort of respiratory illness, in my experience, they have runny discharge and their eyes are usually puffy. He looks healthy, leading me to believe he's just a little dirty.
Cute roo! :)

Hope so! They raised hatched eggs at school. The kids got to keep one. They bought four more as buddies. It would be a shame to get them all sick!

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