Black Leghorn Chick Question


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
I went to the feed store today, and they had black leghorn chicks for sale. THey had black backs, white bellies, and feathered legs. Feathered legs? Do leghorns really have feathered legs?

Just wondering if anyone had any pictures of black leghorn chicks that I could compare them to. Thanks!
If they have feathered legs, I highly doubt that they are leghorns, but I'm not the most experienced chicken owner. Here is a link to pictures of leghorn chicks on feathersite so you can see what I mean (there is a picture of a black leghorn on here, but only an adult):

Check out the fourth one from the bottom here. Do they look like this? If so, they might be Cochins.

I think you would get more and better feedback if you posted this in the "What Breed or Gender is This?" section.

Hope this helps
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Thanks Blue! They actually look like the mottled chick on there. If they're cochins I might have to go back and grab some. It'll be a pain if they all end up being roosters, but I really want some cochins. Haha! So addicted!

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