Black/Self Blue bantam Cochin trio


8 Years
Apr 24, 2011
Roanoke VA
This breeding pen consists of a SQ pair of black/self blue and 1 self blue hen. (Self blue aka Lavender)

All birds were hatched between September and November of last year and have been laying well. I've been hatching better than 50% self blues from this pen. They are currently NOT laying as both black girls have been broody and the self blue girl is moulting.

PM me for more details and to discuss the details.



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no, sorry. i've got other things planned that weekend.

the only show i'm going to is the Lucasville one.

Will you ship? I have one SQ bantam blue hen from jamie matts and would love to have a couple more and a roo.

Thanks I am in NH.

i guess i could ship, but would have to research it more and order boxes... if yiou're serious i can look into it further.

but these aren't blue, they're self blue. aka lavender. 2 dfferent color varieties.

Yes, I am very interested if you are comfortable with it. I have only been on the receiving end of the shipping and have had great success, but I have never done the actual shipping. Are they breeding naturally or AI them? I want my birds to naturally breed. Thanks
How is the temperament on the roo? I know most of the bantam cochin roos are good, but we don't want a mean one. My husband is going to be in Chesapeake Va at the end of this week. Is that anywhere near you?

his personality is awesome. he's been free ranged and caged, and always a super sweetie. i won't tolerate an agressive roo. they end up in the crockpot sooner than later.

none of them are the 'climb in your lap' type birds, but they're not skittish either. the top pic was taken free ranging. they were attempting to coerce more grain from either me or my horse who was eating a few feet away.

the cochins aren't in this pic, but you get the idea... merlin (senior mini stallion) is tied up so he'll leave the other mini stud alone when they eat, maggie (morgan mare) in the background coveting merlin and the chickie's feed (she's too fat). the birds in this pic are mostly Dorkings (silver grey and red) and a couple EE's

all my roosters must be friendly, nonagressive, and tolerate the presence of other roosters in the yard. they tend to keep their distances from the dominant roo (foreground in the pic) but get along with each other quite well too. my black cochin roo shared his pen with a white pair and a silver pair for a while earlier this summer without any agression.
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