Black Sex-Link Male or Female??


Apr 14, 2020
So I recently got 4 chicks, one of which is a black sex link (or so I thought). I noticed spots but thought nothing of it as it was labeled a pullet. Recently, I discovered this either means the black sex-link chick is male or it is a barred rock hen. It is illegal to have a rooster where I live and I really hope it is a hen because I would have no clue how to part with her/him. I thought the chick was the same age as my Orpington chick but she/he was about a week behind in being fully feathered.

These are current photos and I think she/he is 5 weeks old
Hera 1.PNG

Hera 2.PNG

and here is a picture at about 1-2ish weeks
Hera 3.PNG

Even if it is too early to tell, are there any inclinations as to what sex the chick is? Thank you in advance for your help <3
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I would guess pullet. But if that is in fact a sex-link, which I do not think it is, that would be a male. But my guess is barred rock pullet.

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