Black sex link pullet… or is it?


May 6, 2024
Purchased two black sex link pullets from Tractor Supply. They are now 5 wks. One is feathering out with a barred pattern on the chest…
Both chicks had ZERO white on their heads at day old, so I thought I was in the clear with no rooster. (They were solid black)
Any thoughts?? Trying to confirm that we do indeed have a pullet and not a roo.
Anyone think I actually received a different breed?
First timer trying my best!

She's a pullet, I'm not sure she's a black sex-link though. That's not barring, that's silver leakage where she's supposed to have red. @NatJ, is it possible for black sex-links to have silver leakage?

Depending on what cross was used to make the chicks, yes that is possible.

The most common cross is Barred Rock hen with Rhode Island Red rooster (female chicks can have red leakage).

But the sexing will work just as well if someone crosses a Barred Rock hen with a Columbian Rock rooster, which would give female chicks with silver leakage. There are many other breeds that could also be crossed to give an effect like that.

No matter what was involved in the cross, that leakage pattern looks female to me, so I think there is no need to worry about the chick being an accidental male.

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