Black Sex Link Pullet? Or what?


Apr 3, 2021
Sealy, Texas
I got 8 chicks Wednesday from a local feed store (Steinhausers) now this one is suppose to be a BSL pullet (Black Sex Link) in the first 4 pics but it's looking like the Barred rock chick I picked out. Do they have white around wing tips? White specks under eyes. No spot on head, not even a hint like the "barred chick" I picked out and the toes aren't as dark all the way down. Are there variations in coloring? I'm new to BSL and Barred rock chickens. I posted one of the other BSL pullets as comparison, I bought 4, this one looks a little different. I was there when they unloaded the chicks into the tubs, someone at the hatchery could of made an error, idk. I know they're still young. Just curious :caf

BSLb (2).jpg
BSLc (2).jpg

Other BSL Comparison Chick
Betting it's a BSL pullet. Looks to have yellow skin.
Agreed. That is definitely NOT an australorp with that bright cheese whiz yellow skin.

No spot on head, not even a hint like the "barred chick" I picked out and the toes aren't as dark all the way down. Are there variations in coloring?
I see no reason to believe it's not a BSL, especially if it's what it was sold as. BSL pullets will never have a head spot because if they do, they are either not pullets or not BSLs. It's not a Plymouth rock, as it is not barred.

Yes, there are variations in color, as BSLs are not a breed, but rather a cross designed to yield sex links, by crossing a non-barred male over a barred female. Typically hatchery black sex links will be black with some gold leakage on the chest or hackles, but they do not have to.

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