Black sex links laying two different colors?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 10, 2013
Alexandria New Hampshire
We have 3 hens that are currently laying.
1 is an Easter egger who lays blue eggs, the other 2 are black sex links, who I though layed cream eggs but it was never clear because we HAD 8 that were laying (fox took the rest) and had some Rhode Island and speckled Sussex in the mix. Now that we only have the three layers, I am realizing that the two sex links are definitely not
laying the same color. Is this typical?
Sex links are crosses between 2 other breeds.......not always the same breeds, so yes egg color can be different if hens are from a different cross..

Those are some nice colors.....that really looks true blue, EE's usually lay fairly greenish eggs.
Ahh, ok that makes sense.
We ordered americaunas and then I posted a picture of her months back and was told she wasn't a true bred but I wouldn't be surprised if she was what we actually ordered :) She definitely lays true blue. No greenish hues to be found.
Ahh, ok that makes sense.
We ordered americaunas and then I posted a picture of her months back and was told she wasn't a true bred but I wouldn't be surprised if she was what we actually ordered
She definitely lays true blue. No greenish hues to be found.
Well, most hatchery's don't sell pure Ameraucanas, even tho they call them that or a similar name, they are crosses between Ameraucanas or Ameraucana cross and another breed and are usually called Easter Eggers by folks who know the difference.
Different shades of bluish to greenish to pinkish to brownish to white eggs can come out of an EE(with a plethora of feathering colors and patterns) depending on the cross.....looks like you got a good one!!
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