Blackhead disease


Feb 20, 2021
So it’s one thing after another with the raising of my birds. I recently rescued a BBW turkey (first mistake). The poor thing looked awful but I could tell she didn’t have a good home, and was told that she was getting beaten up by other turkey hens. So I quarantined her and gave antibiotics for a couple weeks and she perked up.

Well then she immediately got sick and guess what she had?! Blackhead disease - probably the worst of the worst. So my Tom got it a couple weeks ago and has kicked it so far, annnnddd my chickens are infected (sneezing, wheeze, smelly poop). My whole flock Ill because this lady wanted to offload a sick and injured bird.

Questions are:

1. I just got new chicks which are 4 weeks old now, so you think they’d survive this if they catch it?

2. What’s the safe time frame to introduce them to the rest of the flock ? I see the incubation period is 15-20 days so I can only assume that long after symptoms have resolved.

I worried because everything you read says this protozoa can live in soil for 3 years so did this lady just infect my land for chicken/turkey keeping?

I’m so upset so thanks for any first hand knowledge.

Just for your info, Blackhead is deadly to turkey's, not as bad for chickens. Are you sure the turkey didnt have a respiratory disease and pass it on to your chickens, it sounds like respiratory disease symptoms that you described.
Also, the host for the protozoa are cecal worms. Worm all your birds including the turkeys, if in fact it's Blackhead. The treatment for Blackhead itself is Metronidazole 250mg given orally twice a day for 5-7 days.
Just for your info, Blackhead is deadly to turkey's, not as bad for chickens. Are you sure the turkey didnt have a respiratory disease and pass it on to your chickens, it sounds like respiratory disease symptoms that you described.
Also, the host for the protozoa are cecal worms. Worm all your birds including the turkeys, if in fact it's Blackhead. The treatment for Blackhead itself is Metronidazole 250mg given orally twice a day for 5-7 days.
Yes, they both had yellow sulfur stools
Hi thanks for this thread. I'm sorry you're dealing with this but you're sweet to try to save the turkey!
I'm dealing with blackhead in my turkey poults (12 weeks old) right now. I lost one hen yesterday morning, and now a second one is symptomatic (yellow poop, lethargic) I started her on 125mg metronidazole powder dissolved in water administered with dropper this morning. Do I give 2xday or just once? And do I treat the other two even through they don't have symptoms? And if not with metronidazole, should I give them ivermectin or fenbendazole? Dosage on those?
Not sure on weight, I'm sure less than 5 lbs. They're royal palms, small breed. There is a vet that services chickens I can check.
Metronidazole needs to be given at 14-23 mg per pound once a day for 5 days. You should also treat with Baytril since it's usually the secondary e. Coli infection that kills them. And for the cecal worm, you need to treat with Safeguard.
Thanks! Not familiar with Baytril, I have Corid on hand could I add that to their only water source instead? I also have Ivermectin on hand but I can get safeguard if it's best.
Hi thanks for this thread. I'm sorry you're dealing with this but you're sweet to try to save the turkey!
I'm dealing with blackhead in my turkey poults (12 weeks old) right now. I lost one hen yesterday morning, and now a second one is symptomatic (yellow poop, lethargic) I started her on 125mg metronidazole powder dissolved in water administered with dropper this morning. Do I give 2xday or just once? And do I treat the other two even through they don't have symptoms? And if not with metronidazole, should I give them ivermectin or fenbendazole? Dosage on those?
Hi, I won’t be able to answer your questions unfortunately as I did not medicate mine as there is no acceptable treatment recognized. What I have done is all natural treatment and has included herbs, cayenne, diatomaceous earth, apple cider vinegar, and vet rx. I had two poults die. So far, 5 more are doing ok so far, but there’s always a risk since the soil is infected.

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