Bleeding chick! and Grain mite infestation! HELP!


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Michigan (USA)
I have some chicks in my basement and I just noticed today that one had blood in his vent, not pooping bloody but there was blood in it, plain red blood. And then I noticed that the dust around the place was MOVING!! Yikes! There are grain mites on every surface of my basement and it looks like they started in the bag of medicated chick starter I bought! I'm sure if it was infested with grain mites that its likely spoiled. There are TRILLIONS of mites and they are even working upstairs now! its disgusting! (These mites squish and are not blood sucking mites. But their poop is a severe allergen)

Should I start them on corrid? The feed is medicated, what they are on already but has the mites in it. I'm going to buy a different non med bag from a different brand and throw out this mite bomb and all its contents!

Should I move the chicks from the basement to some other place? The mites give me respiratory problems and the chicks sneeze now that the mites are there. Can they be hurting my chicks?

What's causing the blood? Do they have cocci too now? Or could it be bad feed or mites making them bloody vents? I keep their pen so clean and fresh shavings! They were not exposed to anything else and i wash hands before handling them. I've taken every precaution! Whats missing?

Help me! I can't lose my 3 remaining rare Russian chickens! Not after the 2 year search to find them and only have 3 hatch thanks to PO box handling!
I think you need to move the chicks out of the house with a heat lamp. And call an exterminator. And never keep feed in the house.
If they look sick, I would give them Corid. If they look good, they need clean food and water, and you might want to carefully dust them with Sevin, or maybe someone knows something better.

How awful!
I think you need to move the chicks out of the house with a heat lamp. And call an exterminator. And never keep feed in the house.
If they look sick, I would give them Corid. If they look good, they need clean food and water, and you might want to carefully dust them with Sevin, or maybe someone knows something better.

How awful!
I never knew feed could carry mites! I can't get anything until tomorrow afternoon. I have corid.

Exterminator has no idea what they are. I have been reading that they don't go away unless you eliminate humidity. So I guess I'll have to do that some how, its been non stop rain for a week. And then bug bomb and coat the chicks area with CV-80 animal safe spray. I guess I'll have to spray their new bedding with the CV80 as well. I just worry about something eating them in the barn, and rodents be out there. :S

The bugs don't bite I don't think. They haven't bit me and they are suppose to feed on mold and dead skin or other organics dust. I could sprinkle with 7 but I don't want to harm the chicks!
How is the situation doing? Spoiled feed (i believe) killed an indoor bantam hen and chick this winter and sickened my flock (outdoors)
Did you go through starbright farms for your orloffs? Just curious. :)
How is the situation doing? Spoiled feed (i believe) killed an indoor bantam hen and chick this winter and sickened my flock (outdoors)
Did you go through starbright farms for your orloffs? Just curious.
Good, once the rain stopped the mites dried up but not before infesting EVERYTHING!!!! I'm afraid they will come back when it rains again.

No, these chicks are Pavs. My orloffs I got from Privett. I plan to get some orloffs from Starbright farms or another breeder to eventually add more genetics. My hens are just now in good production for breeding :)

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