Bleep Bleep Bleep


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 6, 2009
Needmore, PA
So the hawk that killed a small pullet last week is back, TWICe today it attacked while I was standing right in the flock. First it perched right on my outdoor brooder, all my chickens were in hiding except one of my big roosters stayed out to harrass it from about 2 feet away. An hour or two later, I was throwing corn, so had all the birds around me, all of a sudden, my 16 babies ran in the barn, their mom, was fluffed to turkey size (she's large bantam/small standard size) chasing the bird of prey as it glided just above the ground. It then flapped about an inch from my I got a very good up-close look. In my mind I pictured a Kestrel....I had the color and pattern right, I was looking at the critically endangered peregrine falcon...just my luck, can't do anything about it.
Ohhh, that is so frustrating!!
Good news! The Conservation Status for peregrines is "least concern", so it's only protected not endangered. you shouldn't have a problem getting a permit for it!
Getting a permit is very difficult from what I understand. I expect that IF you even received one, it would take so long, the bird will have either depleted its food source, or migrated. A falconer already has a permit to move/posses/relocate birds of prey. I did a quick search and came up with this for PA: Some folks will do it for free, some charge a fee, some just request you cover gas and expenses. Just depends on the person.

Thanks for the help. The site I looked at was PA game commission, i know that it is illegal to shoot all of them, but according to the site I saw, the peregrine is endanged in PA, with only a few separated breeding colonies. May have been outdated, not sure.
A gal in a class I was teachin one day here in NH was telling me that she is into falconry, and they must catch a wild bird for their falcon. i was suprised, thinking they bred them for this for people that were into this for a hobby. maybe if you call a falonry club they would be more than happy to catch it for you. Just an idea!
We caught a red-tailed hawk in a live trap about two months ago and there was no problem. Fish and game came and picked it up and relocated it far away from us.

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