Blind Eye is 'sinking' inside.


5 Years
Oct 23, 2018
My rescued broiler baby Snowy is blind from one eye. I have been observing for awhile now that her eye seems to be going inside. I've no idea what to do or if it's natural for a blind eye to do this. Any suggestions or people who have gone through the same situation, please do share.
I believe its the eye losing muscle around it. Dont quote me on it, but it makes sense to me that after not being used the muscle around the eye would start to wear down. My turkey girls with blind/impaired eyes are sunken in and positioned oddly.
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I believe its the eye losing muscle around it. Dont quote me on it, but it makes sense to me that after not being used the muscle around the eye would start to wear down. My turkey girls with blind/impaired eyes are sunken in and positioned oddly.
View attachment 2833869
View attachment 2833870
that makes sense. I'll share the pics soon and that will show the situation properly
Aww bless their hearts it's already a hard enough life being a type of fowl with everything wanting to eat you.
yeah. She was rescued from a chicken shop and has had a number of issues from heavy breathing to leg issues and weight problems. But she's a fighter and enjoys life. Also, I think she might be a he lololol since she attacks my rooster these days and pulls his feathers.

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