Blood in feather shaft - normal or mites?


Jul 18, 2022
Hey everyone, I have a hen who's going through a late molt right now. I noticed a few of the tail/wing feathers she's shedding have had blood inside the shaft. She's not the only hen I've seen this in, but she's had the most obvious blood "deposits." Is this normal with molting? Or could it be a sign of something like depluming mites?

I've attached a picture of two of her feathers and one of another hen's for reference of what I mean.


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Hi, is the blood recent or from time when feathers were formed?

One seemed old and brown (though I don't know when she shed the feather, so it could've been sitting a bit). But the blood on the other two was still red. So I assume recent?
Its hard to tell. Feather shafts tend to have a rich blood supply so will bleed easily if damaged at all. Could maybe have been pecked by another chicken or by herself when preening? I don't know if mites would cause this or not, but if neither her or any of your other chickens have any other signs of mites, and it doesn't get any worse, I would suggest it is most likely nothing to worry about :)

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