Blood spots in eggs


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
My hens have been laying for 2 weeks. The latest eggs have blood spots in them. Is it because they are fertilized? Or just new to the egg laying? Any thoughts would help. Thank you.
I found this article on the Web!!!

Can you eat eggs with blood spots?

Eggs with a visible blood spot on the yolk are safe for consumption. The spot can be removed with the tip of a knife. Blood or "meat" spots are occasionally found on an egg yolk. These tiny spots are not harmful and are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel during formation of the egg. Blood spots do not indicate a fertilized egg. Mass candling methods reveal most blood spots and those eggs are removed, but even with electronic spotters, it is impossible to catch all of them. If desired, the spot can be removed with the tip of a clean knife prior to cooking. These eggs are safe to eat.
Blood spots on my own eggs, does not bother me, but it would creep me out from a store bought egg. Probably no logical reason to feel that way, but I do.
Thanks so much for the information! Yes in my own eggs it is o.k. I guess.

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