Bloody Beak - what is this and how to treat?


May 13, 2024
Went out to weigh my girls and noticed this blood on her beak. I have a camera and check on them frequently and never notice any bullying. This is my first flock, what do I do to help her and how do I prevent it from happening again? Also any clues on what could’ve caused it?


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Hi! It looks like an injury. Can you see if there's somewhere she caught the bridge of her beak?

I would keep an eye on her to make sure no one is pecking at the blood.
Hi! It looks like an injury. Can you see if there's somewhere she caught the bridge of her beak?

I would keep an eye on her to make sure no one is pecking at the blood.
I saw another thread where someone said their hen did this pecking through the chicken wire… It must’ve been that? There is nothing in the coop except feed/water, nesting boxes, and a roosting bar.

I’m most concerned about the others pecking her so I’ve just been monitoring through my window all afternoon… It doesn’t need to be treated any certain way?
I wonder if you could put blukote on it or another antibiotic and cover it. Duct tape works great.
Duck tape on her beak? Also can blukote safely be sprayed on the face or would it be better to try to rub on somehow?
That's what I'm wondering. I don't use blukote on the face, so I wonder if anyone knows of an antibiotic that can be used on the beak like that.

Yes Duct tape. As long as you can get something on the wound, put a small bit of gauze and then a square of duct tape, just big enough to cover it. You're talking very small pieces. I taped a day old chick's foot with duct tape years ago. I think the piece was about a 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch. Just enough to stick.

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