Bloody egg?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
E. Oklahoma
Our Dark Brahma Bantam was the first to start laying, her very first egg was Sunday, then she gave us 3 more eggs, and today she layed a fifth one, only this one has blood all over it and some clotted blood, is this normal? After she layed this one she squawked loudly and continuously until I came out to collect it and now she's quiet. She seems ok. I've never seen an egg with blood like this. I use to have chickens a long time ago and never got an egg with blood on it, but those chickens came from breeders. This is my very first experience with hatchery chickens and I've read some awful egg problems with them, so should I be concerned?
Blood streaks on the outside of the egg are normal, especially for new layers, but it sure wouldn't hurt to make sure she's okay.
I just checked her a few minutes ago and her vent looks normal except for some blood around on the inside of her vent, and a little dry blood smear on the outside of her vent. She seems to be doing good otherwise. Poor girl, she's really put out some eggs for her first week! Do ya'll think she will be ok? I'm keeping a close eye on her. Anyway, here's a pic of the egg:
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I've lost two hens who laid eggs like these. It was very sad. Both died in the nesting box within a few days of laying blood stained (not just streaked) eggs. Others told me that it was a problem with the egg laying tract. Good luck with your girl I hope she has better luck than my two~!
So does this mean she's most likely going to suffer and die? Should I go ahead and have her put down? She's such a sweet little hen and my husband's favorite. We got her from TSC and they get their chicks from IDEAL, I thought they had good chicks from what I've heard. We were really impressed by this breed of chicken and were thinking of getting more, but I guess not now! So what do you recommend, should I go ahead and have her put down?
I don't know if you should put her down or not, I've not faced it with my other 5 birds. Such a hard decision, especially being concerned about the suffering of the hen. How is she acting? Does she seem ok? Eating? Interacting? Hopefully someone can chime in with some guidance. I seem to remember that sometimes the blood streaking was due to a dry vent and that feeding peanut butter or olive oil could help lubricate. But in my opinion, that's quite a bit of blood for a dry vent.
That is allot of blood, but I would wait and see how it goes tomorrow if she isn't showing obvious signs of injury or stress. Chickens can handle allot and she may surprise you and be just fine, but keep an eye on her. We also see blood from time to time with new layers that end up just fine and also sometimes lose young hens to same....
She seems to be doing great, eating and drinking and acting normal. I think we'll just wait and give her some time to see if things clear up. Thanks for all the replys!
My older hen has laid a few blood covered eggs of late. But now she appears okay. But it does give a fright when you see it.

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