
In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2021
update of wry neck chicken, she can walk around but still has the wry neck sometimes fumbles over. the otherday i noticed a bump like something in her eye, so i get a closer look kinding pulling at it thinking it’s like a bit of strawberry i just fed the chickens and i noticed, jeez, it’s a piece of her eyelid lord help me. just now i’m in the coop refilling the chickens and ducks water and handing out some meal worms and she’s seeming fine, one of the chickens tramples her and i shoo her off, midnight (the wry neck chicken) seems alright. a few minutes later i notice something bright red on her face, and low and behold, it’s blood. i’m talking the whole eye, but just the eyeball, nothing else of the face, whole eye is coverd i can’t see anything, eyelid or eye. i get a damp towel and the hose, rinsing out the eye and dabbing at it but no blood is coming off? her other eye is completely fine but then this eye is just a trainwreck. does anyone know what the hell is happening and what to do?? we’re thinking about putting her down, so if that becomes something i gotta do how do i put a chicken down?
update of wry neck chicken, she can walk around but still has the wry neck sometimes fumbles over. the otherday i noticed a bump like something in her eye, so i get a closer look kinding pulling at it thinking it’s like a bit of strawberry i just fed the chickens and i noticed, jeez, it’s a piece of her eyelid lord help me. just now i’m in the coop refilling the chickens and ducks water and handing out some meal worms and she’s seeming fine, one of the chickens tramples her and i shoo her off, midnight (the wry neck chicken) seems alright. a few minutes later i notice something bright red on her face, and low and behold, it’s blood. i’m talking the whole eye, but just the eyeball, nothing else of the face, whole eye is coverd i can’t see anything, eyelid or eye. i get a damp towel and the hose, rinsing out the eye and dabbing at it but no blood is coming off? her other eye is completely fine but then this eye is just a trainwreck. does anyone know what the hell is happening and what to do?? we’re thinking about putting her down, so if that becomes something i gotta do how do i put a chicken down?
nah it’s all good now she died a few months ago from something, she had been on deaths door for a while

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