Bloody poop in chicks


8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
I picked up 4 chicks from a feed store yesterday the oldest he said were around 4 weeks, and the other 2 are around 2 to 3 weeks. One of the cochins was a little lethargic and is around the 2 to 3 week mark. And one of them had bloody poop. Could this be cocci? The chicks are all eating and drinking fine. But I noticed while changing the paper towel bedding that there were some blood marks from one of the chicks. After finding no injury I noticed it was in the poo. Any ideas? I don't want to medicate them unless nesessary due to their young age. And I know it's normal at some point to find blood in there poo, just usually not this young...any help is appreciated!
We had the same issue with our first batch of chicks. For us it was just them pecking each others butts making them bleed. I suggest you keep an eye on them for a while and see if they are pecking each others butts. We also had a lethargic on that got better on its own. Never knew what was wrong. She is still going at almost 4 years old. But I am no expert. See what they have to say.
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Blood in the poo is one of the symptoms of Coccidiosis. Other symptoms include pale combs and faces, ruffled feathers, lethargy, head drawn back into the shoulders, a hunched appearance, tendency to huddle and a drop in water and feed consumption.

This disease is transmitted by contact with droppings via contaminated drinkers, feeders and litter of infected birds. The disease can also be easily transmitted on contaminated clothing, footwear, equipment, insects, rodents, free-flying birds and feed sacks.

Any chicks affected by the disease should be separated from the others. Medications are available in shops and from the internet but you may need a prescription from your veterinary surgeon.

Prevention includes keeping the chicks on a wire floor to enable the dropping to fall through, feeding a diet that contains coccidiostats which help build up immunity to the disease, not mixing birds of different ages, avoiding overcrowding, give birds free-range as possible, cleaning housing and brooders throughly. A vaccine is available but seek specialist advice before using it.
Purchase Corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5cc's per gallon of water for 5-7 days. It's best to change it out daily. You might have to use an eyedropperful and put drops on the side of the beak in order for the sick bird to swallow the liquid until she recovers enough to drink the treated water on her own. Do this for about 5-6 times a day. Corid can be found in the cattle section at a feed store.
Okay, well there has been no more blood. Upon reading other stuff I think the chick was just stressed from the move.

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