Blue Crown Conure questions


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
Burleson, TX
Does anyone know when the breeding seasons are for a Blue Crown? I have been told they are spring and summer and I have also been told they are summer and fall..
I was just about to give up on them until today! I looked out and they were preening each other, which I have seen a few times in the last few days. Then the male looked like he was feeding her! Then I saw what looked like pairing! My question is if they were successful, when should I start looking for eggs? I have a book that says 3 weeks from when she goes in the box or something like that. They are in and out of the box all the time and they sleep in it so I am not sure how to judge that. Is it like a chicken where she gets into a firm sit and doesn't come out anymore? if so then that means she is in there for 3 WEEKS before she even lays an egg?

Thanks for your replies in advance!


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