Blue Favaucana



Apr 24, 2017
Greetings, have been trying to find out as much as I could about the Favaucana , specifically the Blue Favaucana and I haven't had a ton of luck. Now than my baby is 15 weeks as of this post I am fairly confident she is actually a she I hope that maybe the few pics I have may help out someone else who may be wondering.

Also I encourage anyone who may have one (or several) or even breed their own to add to this as I am certainly no expert on the breed, but have found a real lack of consistent information out there.

As for her general appearance and temperament she seemed to have a bit more of an upright posture that had me guessing as I didn't see that much in the other pullets I have. Maybe that's just her breed or shes really a cockerel hiding behind a small pink comb :lol: She is a sweet and friendly bird but is a little skittish. I think that's more on me because I had 25 chicks to divide my time between handling so no one got a ton of attention unlike the first 6 I started with 5 years ago who were super spoiled in comparison. Then at 5 weeks when they moved into the coop it was a bit less.

First few pics were taken at 4 weeks of age then some at 15 weeks. If I knew that I was going to be making this thread I would have been a bit more consistent and taken pictures every week to document her development.

So far that's all I can offer but I hope maybe it can help. Again, I encourage anyone who can add to this to do so, I would also love to learn more.


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There's not a lot of info out there about them because they aren't a breed.
All they are is a mix breed with a fancy name and outrageous price tag. As far as I've seen MPC came up with the cross and are probably the only ones selling them.
Faverolles are a neat breed and who doesn't like the Ameraucana with their blue eggs but not seeing a significant reason for crossing the two breeds.
They won't breed true at all so there won't be anyone breeding them except if someone wants to do the same cross themselves and sell the offspring.
I may be way off here but if I would have to guess I would say the reason the are made is for the green eggs, kinda like the olive egger. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't the olive egger and the easter egger fall in the same catergory? A mutt made for colored eggs?

Real breed of not it would still be nice to know a little more about them, seems like there is a ton of info on easter eggers so why not the favaucana. :)
Ya I guess they are basically Easter eggers. But they sell standard EEs for $3.05 and favaucanas for $16.00 so they need to look special.
Ya OEs are basically EEs too but they are supposed to lay olive or really dark green eggs. EEs can lay any color even brown and white so at least the OEs have that going for them.
There just isn't much info to put out there at this point.
They're a new mix and I think MPC is the only place selling them and they're fairly new.
Figure all that together equals not a lot of people having them especially have having them grown and laying for any real amount of time.
I heard they were among the breeds they sold Martha Stewart. That was a news flash for them for a minute at least.
I think they would be a decent mix just nothing extremely out of the ordinary and not worth their price tag.
Ok the skinny on favacanas, it's a faverolles roo bred to an ameracuna hen. It only breeds true the first generation so it's a one and done breed. You get a nice little bird that should by all accounts lay blue. Mostly the temperament of a faverolles but with a little more fighting spirit. If all goes well im going to have some in the spring, eggs anyway got to bake them yourself. No outrageous prices either, that's not cool.
My faverolles laid light brown eggs so I would say they would lay a green egg.
I get what you're saying but I wouldn't say they breed true at all or that they're a one and done breed.
I wouldn't consider them a breed in any way. Maybe I could agree with a hybrid.
They don't neccesarly breed true the first cross. Being a cross of two breeds that do breed true and have known genetics its easy to know what to expect and what you will get. A lot of different genes mixed so second generation would be all over the place.
That would be the biggest down side for me.
I agree the price is a bit much and if I had the room and ability to hatch my own I would. It's no secret the breeds used to make them. Maybe they will become more common like the olive and easter eggers seem to be, got to start somewhere right?

All I am hoping to do here is to try and help out someone who, like me, is new to the favaucana and is interested in raising them whether they bought them or breed their own.
It's a fancy easter egger, you could get a greenish, blueish or just a brown egg like any other EE. And you're correct, not a breed a well planned backyard mutt ..guess they are like chicken versions of labradoodles lol! First cross is pretty spot on Op's bird,past that its a surprise. Not a huge deal for a person who just enjoys having them in their flock and dosent plan to make more. But if you read MPC's description it says "first generation favacanas" so since that's all that exsist they're being pretty honest.:)
My faverolles laid light brown eggs so I would say they would lay a green egg.
I get what you're saying but I wouldn't say they breed true at all or that they're a one and done breed.
I wouldn't consider them a breed in any way. Maybe I could agree with a hybrid.
They don't neccesarly breed true the first cross. Being a cross of two breeds that do breed true and have known genetics its easy to know what to expect and what you will get. A lot of different genes mixed so second generation would be all over the place.
That would be the biggest down side for me.

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