Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Well, you had better get busy building more coops and pens!
Kathy, that is just plain mean! You KNOW I don't have anymore room and you show me THESE??? There are Barred Rock and then there are BARRED ROCK. Yours are gorgeous. Hmmmm it would only mean two--3? more coops and pens?

I think you need to get yourself out here and help me woman!
Germaine, after she helps YOU, she can come help me, I think I just fell in love!

Walt, I do hope you will chime in here, too - we need lots of advice and help, as you know!

If there are any Grandma flocks left from the 50's, would Grandma even know we are looking for her birds? How do you find these old lines? I agree with Stacy- it would be so wonderful if there was some kind of listing -
Here are some of the my birds.

I have 3 Dominique Hen running around but only got to take pictures of the 2.

Dominique Hen - 1 -

Dominique Hen - 2 -

Here are some old pictures of my Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds

Old Rooster - 1 -

Young Rooster - 1 -

Old Hen - 1 -

I try to get some Single Comb pictures up today..

Yes, I am with you there Beth. I have a few Hatchery Barred Rock hens and I have never thought much of them other than they are great layers. I have no desire to get more.

But after looking at Kathy's...and for me it is always those Roo's, I am having a case of the "gimmies"

Nice Buckeyes Punky! I have a few heritage birds too, Mottled Java, Buckeyes, Delaware. This should be a great thread with some nice diversity.

Here are a few pics of my Buckeys. This breed sure grows on you. I don't know why I always thought that Buckeyes were an "indifferent" breed. They are always there right by my feet. I guess they just want to be first in line for the food! I am really enjoying them. I think the first roo is a better type but he is younger and I still need to see his tail grown out.

Chris09 I just saw your post. I think these Buckeyes are from your stock. They are from JamesA.


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Tennessee keeps a listing of "Century Farms". The property has to have been in one family for at least 100 years and been used for farming the entire time. I wonder if other states do this, and if they list what kinds of livestock the farms kept. Might be a good link to some old lines.

Maybe we should call in the History Detectives!
In Kansas you can apply to become a Century Farm. I should do it since our farm has ben in our family for 125+ years. I never think about doing it tho until after that year's deadline.
Ours doesn't keep track of what livestock is or has been raised on it tho.
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