Boiling Fresh Eggs - who has tried this method? (Freezing first)


RIP Ryder (2022) & Hammy (2019)
Sep 16, 2019
SW Georgia
I used 3 to 5 day old eggs
I washed them, dried them, then placed them in the freezer for 2-4 hours.
Long enough to get them ice cold but not frozen.
I took them out, let them get back down to room temperature and boiled them my usual way:
Let water get to a running boil, add eggs gently, leave for 9-12 mins, remove straight into ice cold water and peel.
The eggs peeled so easily.
Has anyone tried this out? Who wants to try it to see the results?
I’ve boiled fresh eggs before and I’ve NEVER been able to peel them easily. Always have half the egg stuck to the shell.

I’ll take pics with my next batch if I remember or if it even works more than once! Maybe it was a lucky fluke. We shall see!
I think that's why store bought eggs peel so easily. Don’t they put them in a cooler to transport them? They aren't frozen but they do get ice cold.

I just tried it again and they peeled so easily.
Interesting, I have not heard of freezing the eggs first. We usually steam them, but still occasionally have issues with the shell sticking. I'm still working on my technique;)
Interesting, I have not heard of freezing the eggs first. We usually steam them, but still occasionally have issues with the shell sticking. I'm still working on my technique;)
Don't freeze them, but do place them in the freezer for a few hours to get them ice cold.

Then let them get back down to at least refrigerator temperature or whatever temperature you usually let your eggs get before boiling. Just not ice cold or they will explode 😂
I think that's why store bought eggs peel so easily. Don’t they put them in a cooler to transport them? They aren't frozen but they do get ice cold.

I just tried it again and they peeled so easily.
Store bought eggs peel easily because they are older..older eggs peel easier..scary I boil water..then add eggs for 15 minutes. Then straight to the ice bath for 10 to 15. So far this has been the thing that works best for me. Otherwise..I have nightmare eggs..
Store bought eggs peel easily because they are older..older eggs peel easier..scary I boil water..then add eggs for 15 minutes. Then straight to the ice bath for 10 to 15. So far this has been the thing that works best for me. Otherwise..I have nightmare eggs..
I had heard that before, but doesn't work for me. I’ve boiled 3 month old eggs and it was just as difficult as boiling day old eggs. Half the egg stuck to the shell.

So far this has been the only thing that has worked.
Ahh three month old eggs. I'm guessing you have leghorns? Welcome to my refrigerator 🤣
Yes!! At this point I just eat the fresh eggs and then refrigerate then ones I didn't eat that day. That way I can actually enjoy fresh eggs instead of eating "old" eggs all the time. I still have eggs from March in my refrigerator but I eat the ones I collect daily in May 😂
Okay wth 😂 I tried boiling an older egg (less than a week old or about a week old) and it peeled just as easily as the one I "froze"

I’m doing one last test on the egg boiling device that always gives me a hard time to peel fresh eggs. If they both peel easy then I give up.

My final conclusion will be that you just have to find what works for your specific flock's eggs 😂

Time to peel!! Brb

Edited to add:
They peeled just as easily. Wth I’m done! Whether they were the ones I put in the freezer or left sitting on the counter. How is it that last year it was a disaster with same age eggs? 😠

Well if anyone has trouble peeling them, please try this out and see if it works and let me know. But if you have a method that works for your eggs then keep it!
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Yes!! At this point I just eat the fresh eggs and then refrigerate then ones I didn't eat that day. That way I can actually enjoy fresh eggs instead of eating "old" eggs all the time. I still have eggs from March in my refrigerator but I eat the ones I collect daily in May 😂
Pickled eggs my

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