Bone spur on wing? Can't find any info on what this is


7 Years
Nov 13, 2015
Wellington, New Zealand
Hi there,

One of my chickens has a weird growth on her wing. She's had it for about a year now and it keeps getting bigger. At first it just looked like a fat lump covered in skin under the feathers, but now it has like bone growing out of it.

She doesn't seem at all bothered by it, she was flapping her wings happily in the sun to ruffle her feathers - though maybe that wing wasn't as extended as the other wing. It was hard to tell. My chickens aren't friendly and you can't go near them unless they're asleep in the coop at night. There isn't a proper chicken vet near us - the vets round here don't deal with birds at all it seems (due to being an urban centre). There's one about an hour away but I don't think they're very good - first lockdown last year two of my chickens died because they never made up the antibiotics they prescribed despite me pestering the vet every couple of days for 3 weeks.

Any ideas?

The operative words are, "She doesn't seem at all bothered by it." She may not be able to enter a poultry show, but it isn't affecting her quality of life or her behavior would reflect that.

Perhaps if you could get a super closeup shot of the thing, someone here could tell you what it is. But as long as it's not bothering her, it would probably be unwise to try to mess with it.

I have a Light Brahma hen who began to grow a tumor over her right eye when she was around six years old. It's slowly increased in size, now robbing her of the sight in that eye. But it's never seemed to bother her other than the eye bubbling from time to time. I elected not to do anything about it since she's continued to lead a normal life, in fact, she's still ranking leader of the flock. She's thirteen years old.

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