Bored chicks


Dec 3, 2023
Howdy everyone so I have 4 2/12 week old chicks that are fighting with each other and pecking so I’m guessing they’re bored. I read you can get a little bit of grass with dirt throw it in there so it helps keep them from pecking each other but my question is is it safe? I know when they’re smaller they can easily get impacted crop so I’m kinda hesitant to give em anything that’s not their normal food. Anyone have a suggestions or have tried grass to keep chicks busy? I also did just get them a little perching set for their brooder to keep them entertained.
Right now they’re in an extra large bin with a wire top the reason being I have cats. But I might purchase a larger space cause I guessing that could be part of the problem. But with my last four hens I had them in there with two ducks and didn’t have any issues. For some reason these chicks don’t like it but I’m wondering if one of em could possibly be a rooster causing ruckus. Not sure if roosters try to be dominant from a young age or not. I’ll have to buy chick grit too I only have adult grit!
Definitely get some chick grit. How warm is it there? If it's warm enough I like to bring my chicks outside in a pen or screened gazebo on the lawn. It's good for enrichment and building up immunity. Have to be careful about the length of grass though.
I do this to. But usally am outside with them for the full time
Definitely get some chick grit. How warm is it there? If it's warm enough I like to bring my chicks outside in a pen or screened gazebo on the lawn. It's good for enrichment and building up immunity. Have to be careful about the length of grass though.
So I live in Michigan currently not ideal weather for em its hanging around the 40s and raining a lot.
I will sometimes put a branch in with them. I also make them chicken beds (boxes with cloth covers, small stitches.) Also a mirror.

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