Bossy Dominiques


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Just curious...does anyone else have Dominiques? I have two and they are the bossiest little things. They chase off the other chicks, knock them off perches and just generally act like little drill sergeants. They even bluster and display at one another. All five of my chicks are two weeks old, and I also have a Buff Orpington and two Gold-laced Wyandottes...and I thought the Wyandottes were supposed to be domineering, but they're at the bottom of the heap, so to speak.
I have one Dominique and she is kind of bossy, but not mean. She is my favorite and has claimed me as hers. She doesn't like it if I pay attention to any other chicken, but she doesn't care what my daughter does. She also has a funny little habit of giving me one little peck on my leg to let me know she wants in my lap if I'm not positioned right for her to get up.
I have one Dom as well. She is smaller so the other birds dominate her though, she's been broody for over a month and has 13 chicks due on Thursday! Her eggs arent huge, but she is a great little hen. She does not mind when I pick her up to take out the eggs that my other hens lay in her nest either, she just growls at me.
Ha ha I was just telling my husband that my teenager doms were torturing my guineas. I kept hearing the guinie fussing so i peeked in the door and the dom. rooster would jump on the roost next to the guinea fluff his feathers then scoot over till he knocked her off. I've hear they are very bossy and if you don't catch them early will try and boss you around as well. LOL C
I've hear they are very bossy and if you don't catch them early will try and boss you around as well.

I can definitely see that! Ethel already has me trained to let her in my lap when she pecks my leg. But then she rewards me by being so sweet and snuggly I can't resist.​
This is very interesting...I wonder if my two Dominique girls are from an especially bossy strain! They are literally the Fun Police in my brooder; if I hold Ruby, my little Buff Orp, one of the Dominiques will knock her right out of my hand. And then sometimes they'll even race around after her and flap their wings and scold her for good measure...what a couple of bullies!


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