Bought 18 week birds, laying on the ground


Jul 10, 2018
We picked up 8 birds today. 18 weeks. They came from a large farm where they sell birds ready to lay. They were kept in an open barn. They are adjusting to their coop just fine and to our surprise, we got 2 eggs on the first day. Problem is they were just in the bedding in the coop...not the nesting boxes. We have the nesting boxes set up just like any other time we have in the past. We put golf balls in there.
Is it just a learning curve? Because it's a new home? We also can't for the life of them get them to venture outside. They just sit in the coop.
Those eggs were in the chute so to speak. I would not be surprised if there was a pause in egg laying for 3-5 days. Different birds might act differently.

As to the other issue - chickens hate change. You could lock them out of the coop for. a bit. But to be honest, they will explore it eventually on their own, but might take several days.

Mrs K

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