Brahma thread

Hope no one minds me posting this is just so relevant to our lovely and intelligent Brahmas.

No kidding, this chicken has just entered the America's Got Talent competition. You really got to see this to believe it! LOL :) A Brahma of course! Theyve got brains them Brahmas......

Enjoy :lau:lau:lau:lau :clap
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hi guys i need a little clarification on the feed i give to my layer feed and grower feed which has more protein ?
secondly can i mix both to feed my chickens ?
thirdly can i add any protein like soya or fish to the layer or grower feed for them ?
i need urgent help i want to change their feed a little i used to feed them with grower feed

The calmest chicken I have ever seen... She stayed like this for about five minutes, no struggling, just kind of looking around.

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