Brain damaged chick? *sad update*

From the pictures it looks like the scab or other matter is on his butt. Long time ago I had a two day old RIR roo, that suddenly went lame, not walking or able to stand. This being the case, his poop would pile up on his backside. I would hold him in my hand and let him eat and drink until he seemed full. Then, (everyday) I would take him in the bathroom and with warm water bathe his behind, dry him off and give him physical therapy.....hold him safe in one hand, put his feet on your index finger then slowly and gently move your finger up and down. Do this for 3-4 min., atleast 2-3 times a day. This may sound silly, but reg. physical movement is essential since he unable to do this on his on. It will strengthen his legs, and keep his digestion and bowel in check. For my RIR this took several weeks, but he eventually learned to stand and walk on his own. He lived happy, healthy and normal for almost 10 yrs. Hope this helps you some.
My sweet little baby chick passed away this afternoon. He/ she made it 6 days. I am still not sure what was wrong but I suspect he just didn't develope the way he should have. My son and I did everything we could to keep him alive and to show him he was loved. This afternoon he started having trouble breathing and we held him close as he passed away. He is now buried on a hill overlooking the backyard. (Yes it's a little dramatic but you do what you have to when you have a child mourning the loss of his chick.) My son says now all new baby chicks will have a new guardian angel.
Well, you certainly did all you could. Give your son a hug from us....
I, too, lost a baby chick at 10 days old from similar problems, only mine was incredibly tiny! It's so sad to see them struggle and then finally give up.
Oh I am SOOOO Sorry!! You did a great job keeping your chickie alive, loved and really cared for. You son really has a good spirit. The guardian angel chickie is watching over him too!

Give him a BIG hug!! (you too for being such a good mommy hen)

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