brand spanking new to chickens

bpchicken begin

5 Years
Feb 18, 2014
Hi, brand new chicken raiser here. I haven't even started yet really, besides talking to a few friends that already have chickens. My husband and I are ready to start raising chickens this year. I'm excited but ,I have no experience. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Go here and the second post should help answer some of your questions.

Good luck!

Welcome to BYC.
Hi, brand new chicken raiser here. I haven't even started yet really, besides talking to a few friends that already have chickens. My husband and I are ready to start raising chickens this year. I'm excited but ,I have no experience. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks
Are you looking for something good with kids? If so, Silkies Plymouth Rocks, Dominiques, Buff Orpingtons, Cochins, Old English Game, Amaraucana, Easter Eggers, Production Reds, and Sex-Links are all docile breeds. Very good with kids.

Egg Layers:
Sex-Links, Dominiques, Production Reds, Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, Easter Eggers and many more lay good sized eggs!

Something small and easy to take care of:
Sebrights, Dutch Bantams, Old English Game Bantams, d'Uccles, Polish, Serama, Japanese Bantams and many more. These breeds don't take much to care for and take up little space.
Welcome to BYC!

I'd also suggest researching feeds and which feeds you think would be good for you and your situation. Also, if you can, pick up a copy of "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens". Its a great book that will give you a great introduction to most things chicken.

I'd also recommend having some Gro-Gel on hand in case your chicks need a little help.

Have fun with your chicks!
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. Definitely check out the Learning Center-- it has plenty of information for new chicken owners or those who have never had chickens. I'd recommend Wyandottes as a good breed for beginners. They are docile, good with kids, great layers, come in pretty colors, and are quite hardy, especially in cold weather.

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