Breathing very rapidly with mouth open and wheezing; please Help!


13 Years
Feb 10, 2011
Walla Walla, WA
Gateworm? Respiratory bacteria? Swallowed something?
Today our hen is walking around some but about 44 breaths per minute with open mouth an wheezing with each breath.
A little sneezing; no discharge from beak or eyes.
Do I just get a wide spectrum antibiotic and try that first? Please help! I don't think she'll last long.
Gateworm? Respiratory bacteria? Swallowed something?
Today our hen is walking around some but about 44 breaths per minute with open mouth an wheezing with each breath.
A little sneezing; no discharge from beak or eyes.
Do I just get a wide spectrum antibiotic and try that first? Please help! I don't think she'll last long.
Oh no! I’m sorry I can’t help! @Eggcessive @azygous @Wyorp Rock
Is she gasping and in distress, or is she able to walk around and get something to drink? Could you upload a video to YouTube with a link posted here? Many times they will have stridor, a sound like croup, when they get a small piece of feed stuck in the throat. That usually clears up in a few hours. Sneezing as well might point to a respiratory infection. I would observe her, and see if you can see anything unusual inside her beak and throat.
Is she gasping and in distress, or is she able to walk around and get something to drink? Could you upload a video to YouTube with a link posted here? Many times they will have stridor, a sound like croup, when they get a small piece of feed stuck in the throat. That usually clears up in a few hours. Sneezing as well might point to a respiratory infection. I would observe her, and see if you can see anything unusual inside her beak and throat.
I do not see anything in her throat and she is sneezing as well from time to time. She's able to walk around but is slower than usual. Not eating much at all and haven't seen her drink. Pretty sure it's respiratory.
I do not see anything in her throat and she is sneezing as well from time to time. She's able to walk around but is slower than usual. Not eating much at all and haven't seen her drink. Pretty sure it's respiratory.
No obvious stridor but light wheezing with each breath. Also this evening she was able to get up on the roost in their run but didn't seem to want to get down to go to bed in the coop as they always do. She also has a very slumped and tired looking posture as she sits on the roost.
Can you get a video of her?

Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

What's her crop like?
What's her age?
Does she lay eggs? When was the last one?
Any bloat or fluid in the abdomen?

Have you added new birds recently?

If you feel it's respiratory disease, then you can try treating with an antibiotic. Tylan/Tylosin is often the best choice.

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