Breda Fowl thread

I contacted them first. I got my three from them four or five years ago. She said they sold out shortly after that. I'm about 45 minutes from them. Nice place.

My Blue Breda is from GFF indirectly through my breeder. I just LUV Bredas! So-o-o many adjectives to describe this fabulous breed! I'm getting a Cuckoo next week but not sure where that variety originated from?
I really like them too and could kick myself for not hatching any. I had a blue cock and now am left with two hens. One white and one black. I read where they were from but cannot remember now where. I know there has to be someone nearby!
Hi folks!! New to this thread and to the breed, @Sylvester017 made such a strong case for them that we're now totally on board and eager to join

What has been your experience with average egg production?
I'm concerned about the heat for shippng. We are well up into the 90s now during the day. I hoped there would be someone within driving distance.

This is the address of a breeder in TN. He is not a BYCer but advertised on Craig's List. I was going to buy from him the year before last but monetary issues arose for me and I wasn't able to afford to git a pair from him. I have his address but not his name in my records. You can send a letter to this address and see if he is still breeding them.

My address is 917 wanamaker rd. McMinnville tn. 37110
I only have 2 hens so my experience is limited, but they lay 5-6 eggs a week each. Not so much now that it is in the mid 90's here in Kansas, but they laid through the cold winter months.
Hi folks!! New to this thread and to the breed, @Sylvester017 made such a strong case for them that we're now totally on board and eager to join

What has been your experience with average egg production?

Our Blue started laying last November and today is still laying and has not stopped in our heatwave. She lays anywhere from 4 eggs/week sometimes up to 6 eggs/week. We feed organic Scratch & Peck layer, extra at-will oyster shell, fresh produce/fruit, organic 3-grain scratch, sprouted greens, organic cooked aromatic brown rices with Brewers Yeast and Rooster Booster added with multi-wormer Rooster Booster for 5 days each month, vitamin supplements, Trader Joe's 0% fat Greek yogurt (22% protein), occasionally cooked shrimp, Friskies all meat catfood, cooked salmon, but never onions, avocado, chocolate, or citrus. I don't know what this heat will do to our Breda's laying as I believe she is due for a molt sometime soon -- she is almost 11/4 yrs old. Her first egg was 1.5-oz but her 2nd through current egg is 1.75-oz eggs - pretty bright white. RFR says as the hens get older the eggs get up to large but I'm perfectly content with a 4-lb bird laying medium eggs - I don't want prolapse or eggbound with a smallish hen laying too large an egg for her size.
Note: I just never expected a personality breed to also turn out to be such a decent egg layer too.
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Our Blue started laying last November and today is still laying and has not stopped in our heatwave.  She lays anywhere from 4 eggs/week sometimes up to 6 eggs/week.  We feed organic Scratch & Peck layer, extra at-will oyster shell, fresh produce/fruit, organic 3-grain scratch, sprouted greens, organic cooked aromatic brown rices with Brewers Yeast and Rooster Booster added with multi-wormer Rooster Booster for 5 days each month, vitamin supplements, Trader Joe's 0% fat Greek yogurt (22% protein), occasionally cooked shrimp, Friskies all meat catfood, cooked salmon, but never onions, avocado, chocolate, or citrus.  I don't know what this heat will do to our Breda's laying as I believe she is due for a molt sometime soon -- she is almost 1[SUP]1/4[/SUP] yrs old.  Her first egg was 1.5-oz but her 2nd through current egg is 1.75-oz eggs - pretty bright white.  RFR says as the hens get older the eggs get up to large but I'm perfectly content with a 4-lb bird laying medium eggs - I don't want prolapse or eggbound with a smallish hen laying too large an egg for her size.
Note:  I just never expected a personality breed to also turn out to be such a decent egg layer too.
You are giving her such a great life!!! Please please adopt me too?

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