
Jul 19, 2022
Hello! ☺️ I ordered some bbs chicks and it was too late to have the hatchery mark them, so I am very confused and I have no idea which is which. 😩 I’m splitting the order with someone so I don’t want to give them the wrong ones! They all look the same to me lol. They are ALL BBS (blue black or splash) and are either andalusians or ameraucanas. I’ve been looking at their leg markings and eyes but because the bbs gene creates so much variety in colour patterns I’m having a really hard time. I got 10 ameraucanas and 5 andalusians. Anyone have any helpful suggestions on how to tell them apart? Thank you!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️😅
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Anyone have any helpful suggestions on how to tell them apart?
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Ameraucana will be bearded and muffed with puffy cheeks while Andalusian will not.

While young it can be hard to tell the difference.. but Ameraucana will have red ear lobes and Andalusian will have white.

Ameraucana will have a pea comb with NO ridges while Andalusian will have a straight comb with little points.

This should be enough to help! Pics always welcome.. # them if possible for identification.
Welcome to BYC! :frow

Ameraucana will be bearded and Andalusian will not.

While young it can be hard to tell the difference.. but Ameraucana will have red ear lobes and Andalusian will have white.

Ameraucana will have a pea comb with NO ridges while Andalusian will have a straight comb with little points.

This should be enough to help! Pics always welcome.. # them if possible for identification.
Thank you so much oh my gosh!! I’ll post pics now. You’re a lifesaver if you can help me ❤️

Welcome to BYC! :frow

Ameraucana will be bearded and muffed with puffy cheeks while Andalusian will not.

While young it can be hard to tell the difference.. but Ameraucana will have red ear lobes and Andalusian will have white.

Ameraucana will have a pea comb with NO ridges while Andalusian will have a straight comb with little points.

This should be enough to help! Pics always welcome.. # them if possible for identification.
I have to post them as you answer them or I’ll get them mixed up again as I sort them 😂 thank you!

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