Breeding TRUE polish chicks


9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
I was just wondering.. My polish X has just hatched 14 chicks, the daddy is a pure polish cockeral... the chicks are 3/4 polish and 1/4 other.. if the chicks where to be bred with another pure polish would their chicks be true polish?? Someone told me they would be but I am unsure.. Any info would be much appreciated.
I'm no expert but I don't think genetics actually adhere to the 3/4 plus 1/4 equals a whole. I would think that it would look very much like a polish but the bird would still have features that were not polish. They may just be very subtle features.
It will be "Polish" when it meets the breed standard. People have been "borrowing" traits from other breeds for many years now by outcrossing, then breeding back to regain type. If it takes you one more generation to do this, then so be it. If it takes you five more generations to do this, then so be it.

Ahh see I thought so, but wanted to make sure before I say 'actually they wont'
I figured it would take alot more breeding than just one generation to be sure to get a good standard of polish..........Thanks alot for your help
Yep, as long as it breeds true and follows the SOP (color included!) I'd consider it purebred.

But personally I'm no advocate of breeding back to Polish over and over if the Polish are the same bird or very closely related.
Hiya, no I dont plan on doing it, I have them up for sale as day old chicks, as I am not keeping them, I hatched the mum out of pure polish eggs purchased from ebay, and ended up polish x chicks that hatched, and I am not keeping her either, my mother is having her, but just before she collected her she went missing, and we found her on 21 eggs, half way through the incubation period, and I did not have the heart to throw the eggs, 16 hatched and 14 lived.. I have all my polish stock, and have just finished penning each type off into their own coop with runs, been a little hectic, but I for sure do not want polish x amongst my stock.. I just did not want to tell people who buy the chicks the wrong information,
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